Monday, May 14, 2012


Surviving twins are extremely rare! Approximately 1 percent of all  birth ultrasounds reveal that twins are common in the first 30 days of growth but usually, one dies off by the 40th, after that more than 70% of twins are naturally aborted. Full term twins often result in one or both dying, or being disabled
But in rare some cases the both live. :)

Monday, April 23, 2012


   I had a recent request to tell you what a broodmare is. A broodmare is a female horse used for breeding. :) Was that simple or what? :)

what are the red ribbons for?

If a horse has a red ribbon tied to its 
tail it is NOT there to look pretty! Its a warning 
to riders to stay clear because a red ribbon on a horse means it kicks other horses!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Sunday, October 9, 2011


For thousands of years arabians  have lived in dusty desserts.
They were able to go on walking for a tremendous
amount of time. From this the arabians have gained a huge lung capacity which helps them go without water for some time. They also have a great indurance. 

Saturday, September 10, 2011


A horses hoof is very important to a horses health. Be careful when picking a horses hoof not to pick or scrape the frog.  You pick things out of the horses sole when picking. Always make sure you run your hand down the horses lag and then grab the hoof and start picking. So the horse will know its time for its shoe to be picked.


The black horse is  a horse that  is all black with no other color on its body . They are quite beautiful horses.